Friday, 16 January 2015

My costume

My superhero costume is the hulk he has super strength super speed and super powers
super force and super powers

Homework in Year 4

In year 4 we have been doing homework about superheroes

And this is my costume 

Wonder Woman

This terms holiday homework in year four is based on superheroes.Some of us dressed up.
Someone dressed up as Wonder Woman . Her powers are flight, and has a golden lasso of truth .
Here she is

My superhero homework

We have been doing superhero homework.We would create a burning buildings and dress up as a 

superhero and sectra their where two winners .There was also some winners for the costume compation.One of the winners was Superwings and Blash.These winners had very deitailed costumes.Here is one of the costumes .This is Merida she is a great heroin. We also had two other winners who had the most points for doing their homework but we won't show the picture for some privacy.

My costume

My costume is called super wings.i can put out a fire I have water powers.

My friend superhero costme


My superhero suit

We had a superheroes celebrtion

My cool homework

This term we were doing super hero homework we did storytelling and super hero naming but my favourite bit was  making super hero costume here is mine.


At year four our best teacher called Mr...  Let us BUY costumes which is awesome so love robinhoooooooooood. 

My amazing homework

This term in Year 4 we are focusing on superheroes in homework

This is my progress so far

Superman costume

We had four weeks to do this homework the homework was  to design a superhero costume and who ever gets the most points will win a big bar of  dairy milk and this our teacher.

Batmaaaaan yay

In year four we have been designing and buying costumes and I did batmaaaan. I got an amazing,   Wonderful and cool. Don't forget Batmaaaaaan.

My costume

This is the costume that I have created for my superheroes homework topic. The super hero is called Blaze. 
His special abilities are that he can throw fire and fly.